In-person Bamboleo Classes are Back
this Fall 2021 at Heartwell Park

Fall - session TWO
Our imaginary adventures at Bamboleo will take us and the little ones in our classes to Quito, first, for a trip to "El Supermercado Bamboleo" (did you know vainitas, or green beans, are also called ejotes, vainicas, chauchas, habichuelas, and judías???); then we head to Guayaquil, right into Abuelita Violeta's living room to prepare for El Año Nuevo. New Year’s, of course! This is a very big deal in Ecuador!
We'll do The Countdown! Yes, we will practice counting down from 10 to 1 before we scream with delight: ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Kids will make crowns, necklaces, and end with getting their own fun toy that in Spanish means: “Frightens Mother-in-laws” or Espantasuegras (shhh…they don’t have to know everything in Spanish: ) And this wraps up another AWESOME year in Bamboleo, or as they would say in Ecuador: ¡QUÉ CHÉVERE!

You Belong
session one
¡Nos vamos a Argentina!
We are going to Argentina!
This summer, we will become paleontologists as we excavate to find small, big, and giant dinosaur bones. We will visit the museum and meet our friend the Argentinosaurus who will take us on an imaginary trip to the Mesozoic Era where we will dance like dinosaurs and pose for the picture.
After saying goodbye to our dinosaur friends, we'll enjoy getting sick! What?! Yup, we're getting sick (in our imaginations, of course), and going to the doctor. Join us in dancing the tango of the sniffly child.
You cannot miss this adventure. It will be super fun!!! ¡Che!
Serious fun happened here!
Don't miss out our next adventure!

$80 Six-week Session + $30 Materials ($15 Second child)
Materials Fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Includes 2 bilingual storybooks (digital/printable PDF format), digital music/storytelling, a songbook/vocabulary activity book (digital/printable PDF format), and supplies for in-class arts and crafts.
Each 6-week session is unique and includes a new set of materials.
Fee per six-week session, due to the instructor on the first day of class (Debit/Credit, Cash or check payable to MCDE or Susana Paniagua)
We offer make-up classes for those times when you just can’t get to class.
Session cancellation after the first class cannot be refunded or credited.
Make-ups are allowed if the proper notification was provided. Please, arrange with the instructor for a make-up day at one of our locations. Make-ups must be completed within a six-week session.