Part II: Fall Sessions were full of fun! Winter Session starting soon! Uruguay! ¡Aquí vamos!
Fall II: EL SALVADOR Our amiguitos learned how to make a pupusa!! They became little helpers around the house, as we pretended to wash...

Part I: Fall Sessions were full of fun! Winter Session starting soon! Uruguay! ¡Aquí vamos!
Fall I: ARGENTINA Our amiguitos became paleontologists and had fun digging in search of "huesos de dinosaurio pequeños, grandes y...

NOW Enrolling For Winter & Spring 2018 Sessions!!
Sing, dance and play in Spanish with us!! Winter session will start soon!! Ages: 2 - 4 Locations: Long Beach & San Pedro Enroll NOW!!

¡Hasta pronto Puerto Rico! ¡Adiós verano!
Summer session was a lot of fun!! We were "piratas". "Pasos largos, pasos cortos"!! Following our map to find the lost treasure was so...

¡Vamos a la playa! En Puerto Rico!!
We are in Puerto Rico, enjoying and playing with friends "en la playa". We have learned the parts of our body as we pretend putting sun...

Spring II: México ¡Vamos al parque!
We said "adiós" to "México". Our "amiguitos" had so much fun. We turned the classroom into "el parque"! We swung, slid down and spun all...

We're in Mexico!! Ay-ay-ay!!
Our first three Mexico units have been full of fiesta fun. We explored the colors of "la primavera" and sang songs of love for our...

Spring I - Guatemala Session was a lot of fun!!
We said "adiós" to Guatemala. It was a lot of fun!! We went on an insect hunt!! We learned their "colores", counted their "patitas",...